b. 1974, Santiago, Chile
Lives and works in New York since 1998
2007 - Master in Fine Arts, Combined media concentration, Hunter College, City University of New York
2005 - MFA Exchange program, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
1998 - Bachelor of Architecture and professional license, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Solo Exhibitions
2024 - 2025 Trabajo de campo, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile.
2023 - Direct Action, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, US
2022 - Riego, Die Ecke Santiago, Chile
2019 - Cuerpos Comunicantes, Die Ecke Barcelona, Spain
2017 - NEW NOW: Francisca Benítez, New Britain Museum of American Art, CT, US
2016 - Poemas Concretos, Die Ecke, Santiago, Chile
2014 - Oro Dulce, Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space, New York, US
2013 - Canto Visual, Museo de Artes Visuales, Santiago, Chile
2011 - Oro Dulce, Die Ecke, Santiago, Chile
2010 - Francisca Benítez: 3 videos, Die Ecke Barcelona, Spain
2009 - Eigentumsgrenze, Nada.Lokal, Vienna, Austria
2009 - Chamber,, Biel-Bienne, Switzerland
2008 - 450 W 42, Jersey City Museum, New Jersey, US
2007 - Prótesis del Nuevo Exodo, Die Ecke, Santiago, Chile
2006 - The making of Golden Warriors, Medianoche, New York, US
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 - Just Step Sideways, Various Artists #2, 19 Essex St. NYC, US
2024 - La Voz de la Montaña, Bienal Femsa, Galería Jesús Gallardo, León, Guanajuato, México
2023 - The Endless Coup, New Latin Wave @ NADA East Broadway, New York, US
2023 - The Future We Speak, LES Gallery at The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural Center, NYC, US
2023 - Homo Ludens, Galería de Artes Visuales del Parque Cultural Ex Cárcel de Valparaíso, Chile
2021 - 2022 In Support, The Kitchen, New York, US
2021 - How to Read a Vessel, Art Gallery of Burlington, Burlington, Canada
2020 - Gran Sur, Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid, Spain
2019 - OTRXS FRONTERXS, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2019 - PELEA: Visual Responses to Spatial Precarity, NYU The Latinx Center, New York, US
2018 - Escrituras Visuales, Die Ecke, Santiago, Chile
2018 - Video Sur, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
2017 - Rotative Repository of Latin American Video Art, El Museo del Barrio, New York, US
2017 - Insurreccions, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
2016 - Impermanencia, XIII Bienal de Cuenca, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno, Cuenca, Ecuador
2016 - Soulèvements, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
2016 - Much wider than a line, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, US
2016 - Una geografía humana y social contemporánea, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile
2016 - Sweet Gongs Vibrating, San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, CA, US
2015 - Bienal de La Habana, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Habana, Cuba
2015 - Mapping Brooklyn, Brooklyn Historical Society and BRIC House, Brooklyn, New York, US
2015 - Grado Cero, Corpartes, Santiago, Chile
2014 - Pier 54, Highline Art, New York
2014 - Efemérides, Museo Histórico Nacional, Santiago, Chile
2013 - New Publics, Close Closer, Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Lisbon, Portugal
2013 - Thinking and Speaking, Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm, Sweden
2013 - Monsalvat, Bureau, New York, US
2013 - One Minute Film Festival 2003 - 2012, MASS MoCA, North Adams, MA, US
2013 - Visible Architects, Embajada de Chile en Washington, Washington, US
2012 - Desire Lines / Líneas del Deseo, Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Barcelona, Spain
2012 - Contaminaciones Contemporáneas, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile
2012 - To the Stars on the Wings of an Eel, Gowanus Ballroom, Brooklyn, New York, US
2012 - Retorna, Centro Cultural de España, Santiago, Chile
2012 - Brucennial 2012, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, New York, US
2011 - L'oeil sur les rues, Parc de la Villette, Paris, France
2011 - The Street Files, El Museo del Barrio, New York, US
2011 - 30: A Brooklyn Salon, BRIC Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, US
2011 - Réplica2, Azerty, Paris, France
2011 - 40 Years of Women Artists at Douglass Library, Rutgers University, NJ, US
2011 - Mary H. Dana Women Artists Series 40th Anniversary Virtual Exhibit (1971-2011)
2010 - Contaminaciones Contemporáneas, Museu de Arte Contemporánea da USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2010 - Post-it City, Ciudades Ocasionales, Espacio Casa de Cultura - La Prensa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2010 - Unplanned, Superfront, Los Angeles, US
2010 - Reinventing Ritual, The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA, US
2010 - Brucennial 2010, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, New York, US
2010 - Colectiva Dieecke, Die ecke Art Contemporani, Barcelona, Spain
2010 - Making Space, Superfront, Brooklyn, New York, US
2009 - Reinventing Ritual, The Jewish Museum, New York, US
2009 - 140 characters or less, Jason Rulnick Inc, New York, US
2009 - Turn on, Tune In, Drop out, Beijing Biennale, Beijing, China
2009 - Post it City, Cidades Ocasionais, Centre Cultural de Sao Paulo, Brazil
2009 - Post-it City, Ciudades Ocasionales, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile
2009 - Relaciones, utopías de proximidad, Centro Cultural de España en Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala
2009 - SQUAT, evicted building in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York
2009 - Visión:f(icción), Instituto Cervantes, Beijing, China
2009 - Berlin change plus vite que mon coeur, Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille, France
2009 - Les Frontières Invisibles, Tri Postal, Lille, France
2009 - Preemptive Resistances, Westport Arts Center, Connecticut, US
2008 - The Labyrinth Wall: From Mythology to Reality, Exit Art, New York, US
2008 - Post-it City, 4 case studies, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Thailand
2008 - Occasional Cities, Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, Spain
2008 - Life is all about taking things in and putting things out, Salón Tudor, Santiago, Chile
2007 - Babylon, Festival de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona, Spain
2007 - Expediente Die ecke 01, Valenzuela Klenner Galería, Bogotá, Colombia
2007 - Daniel López Show, White Box/ Roebling Hall, New York, US
2007 - País de Poetas, Rotunda gallery, Brooklyn, New York, US
2007 - Legal Aliens, Spaces, Cleveland, Ohio, US
2007 - Re:Generation, Smack Mellon/ Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, New York, US
2006 - Legal Aliens, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, New York, US
2006 - Too much freedom? LA Freewaves 10th biennial of film, video and new media, Los Angeles, US
2006 - Contragolpe: Reenacting a failed operation, Instituto Divorciado, Berlin, Germany
2006 - Domestic Affairs, Gamle Mølla Kunstskole, Moss, Norway
2006 - Double Exposure, Makor Gallery, New York, US
2006 - Wild Girls, Exit Art, New York, US
2006 - Domestic Affairs, Projekt 0047, Berlin, Germany
2006 - 01 de mayo: revisión, arteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2006 - Latin Flow, The Armory Show, Exit Art Booth, New York, US
2006 - The Studio Visit, Exit Art, New York, US
2006 - Videopulsiones, Festival X, Lisboa, Portugal
2005 - Jornadas de Autonomía Aérea, KBB, Barcelona, Spain
2005 - Sugar Plumbs, Makor Gallery, New York, US
2005 - Re:Generation, Mabel Smith Douglass Library, New Brunswick, US
2005 - Parrilla, Matucana 100, Santiago, Chile
2005 - Occasional Cities, Centro de Arte Santa Monica, Barcelona, Spain
2005 - BROOKLin VIDEO, Futura, Prague, Czech Republic
2004 - Illegal Carnival, 173 N 7 Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, US
2004 - Terrorvision, Exit Art, New York, US
2003 - VI Bienal de Nuevos Medios/ Concurso Juan Downey, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago
2002 - 6th International Festival of Architecture in Video, Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence, Italy
2001 - Density, Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, Spain
2001 - Building Codes: The Programmable City, Storefront for Art & Architecture, New York, US
Selected Screenings
2022 - Riego, La Vieja Escuela, Pichingal, Chile
2019 - Uptown Bounce & New Latin Wave, El Museo del Barrio, New York, US
2019 - NEW NOW: ASL Poetry Workshops, New Britain Museum of American Art, CT, US
2018 - Patrimonio Audiovisual Musical de Chile, PAM Chile, Casona O, Santiago, Chile
2016 - Repository Rotativo of Collective Identity, New Latin Wave @ 67 Ludlow, New York, US
2013 - The One Minute Film Festival, MoMA, New York, US
2013 - Visiones Laterales #4, Cineteca Nacional, CCPLM, Santiago, Chile
2012 - ORO DULCE, with Dave Maric and Cam Deas, IMT Gallery, London, UK
2012 - The Exquisite Corpse of the One Minute Film & Video Festival, Narrowsburg, NY, US
2011 - Lokal-int/ Francisca Benitez / Kollaborateure, na daLokal, Vienna, Austria
2009 - Berlin changes faster than my heart, Atelier Nuovo Montevergini, Palermo, Italy
2009 - Lil Joe's, 9/11, Porn, Yanks and Murder..., IMT Gallery, London, UK
2009 - Miradas (des)territoriales, Alianza Francesa / Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Argentina
2008 - This American Life, Montello International Airport, Bergen, Norway
2008 - Visionarios, Audiovisual en Lationamérica, Itaú Cultural, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2008 - IN/OUT, East Asia Contemporary, Shanghai, China
2007 - Political Landscape: Recent Video Art from Chile, Kunsthalle Berlin-Lichtenberg, Germany
2006 - Mastered, Pioneer Theater, New York, US
2006 - IN/OUT, MediaNoche, New York, US
2006 - Si Po: La nouvelle scène artistique Chilienne, Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, Paris, France
2006 - Cut & Paste: New Identities, New Territories, Makor Gallery, New York, US
2005 - What means free, Freespace at Chelsea Hotel, Daniel Reich Gallery, New York, US
2005 - Otra Pichanga, Monkeytown, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, US
2005 - Pichanga, 173 N 7 Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, US
2005 - Compilation #3 L'invention du rire, Videobox MissChinaLunchBox, Paris, France
2003 - Tikkun Leil Shavuot, New York University, New York, US
2002 - Architecture and the Moving Image, Columbia University, New York, US
2002 - Architectures Hybrides, Annexia, Toulouse, France
Selected Actions / Performances
2024 - Deinstall (Rub to Work), Various/Artists, NYC
2023 - Lectura del testimonio de Nieves Ayress, with Brandon López, at The Endless Coup, New Latin Wave @NADA East Broadway, NY, US
2021 - MILANO PAH!, Standards, Milan, Italy
2021 - Bombus impatiens and other harmonies, performance with Sunder Ganglani. A collaboration with Cecilia Vicuña's Insectageddon at the High Line, New York, US
2020 - performance at diSONARE #8 issue launch, The Brooklyn Rail, Brooklyn, NY, US
2018 - Part of the Continuum, performance with Ricardo Gallo, Saint Peter’s Church, NY, US
2016 - Moebius Path, SITE Santa Fe, New Mexico, US.
2015 - As you lean on me and I lean on you, we move forward, The High Line, New York, US
2015 - Son en Señas, Centro Wifredo Lam, Bienal de la Habana, Cuba
2014 - Soliloquy in signs, Pier 54, New York
2013 - Alternate Path, Since Now From Then, Storefront for Art & Architecture, New York, US
2013 - Discurso Visível / Visible Speech, Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Lisbon, Portugal
2013 - Canto Visual, Museo de Artes Visuales, Santiago, Chile
2012 - Through sites of dissent; a walk through London, Gasworks, London, UK
Talks / Lectures / Discussions
2022 - Consciousness on edge, CPCP conference: Revolutionary Arts at The People's Forum, NY, US
2022 - Riego, Die Ecke / Antenna Foundation, Santiago, Chile
2021 - MILANO PAH!, NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan, Italy
2021 - Visiting Artist lecture, Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Baltimore, US
2019 - Public Launch: Storefront’s Digital Archive, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, US
2019 - Contra el estado de excepción y por un nuevo pacto social: Una conversación con Chile,
NYU's Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, CLACS, and Pratt Global South Center, NY, US
2019 - Power and Policy on the Lower East Side, Abrons Arts Center, New York, US
2019 - Cuerpos Comunicantes: Visita guiada, Die Ecke, Barcelona, Spain
2019 - Jane’s Walk 2019, United Against Displacement: A Walk through Two Bridges, New York, US
2018 - Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture since 1968, Pratt Institute, NYC
2017 - New Now Artist Talk, New Britain Museum of American Art, CT, US.
2016 - Panacea Reenactment, Magic Block book launch, McNally Jackson, New York
2016 - Poemas Concretos, MilM2, Santiago, Chile
2016 - Poemas Concretos, Die Ecke / Antenna, Santiago, Chile
2016 - Screening and artist talk, Video! Video! Zine Festival, Nightingale Theater, Chicago, US
2016 - Power to Engage: What Are Artists and Art Museums Learning from One Another, Open Engagement, Oakland Museum of California, CA, US
2015 - Lenguajes del Cuerpo, BMCC CUNY, Department of Modern Languages, New York, US
2015 - Mapping Brooklyn: panel discussion, Brooklyn Historical Society, New York, US
2014 - Artist Talk: Oro Dulce, Cuchifritos + Project Space, New York, US
2012 - de-fencing, Gasworks, London, UK
2012 - Spotlight On: SUPERFRONT, Van Alen Books, New York, US
2011 - Discrete News, Kadist Foundation, Paris, France
2011 - Tertulia, Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile
2010 - Manifesto 01 - Emerging Latin Territories, Storefront for Art & Architecture, New York, US
2008 - Art and social change, a conversation with The Rural Haiti Project, Blick Art Materials, New York, US?
2008 - On Gordon Matta-Clark, Salón Tudor, Santiago, Chile
2007 - Diálogo con Isabel García y Die ecke, Centro de Documentación de las Artes, CCPLM, Chile
2006 - The making of Golden Warriors, Medianoche, New York, US
2005 - Ephemeral Constructs, Centro de Arte Santa Mónica, Barcelona, Spain
2017 - El Museo del Barrio, New York, US
2016 - El Museo del Barrio, New York, US
2012 - Gasworks residency, London, UK
2010 - Superfront residency, Brooklyn, New York, US
2009 - Rotunda Gallery / BRIC video residency, Brooklyn, New York, US
Grants / Fellowships
2024 - FONDART, Chile
2024 - Rauschenberg Foundation / NYFA, Medical Emergency Grant, New York, US
2020 - Anonymous Was A Woman / New York Foundation for the Arts
2015 - DIRAC, Chile
2015 - FONDART, Chile
2012 - Beca AMA, Chile
2007 - New York State Council on the Arts, Independent Project Grant, New York, US
2006 - Lambent Fellowship, TIDES Foundation, New York, US
2006 - FONDART, Chile
2001 - Amerigo Marras Fellowship, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, US
Dismantling the Nation: Contemporary Art in Chile, edited by Florencia San Martín, Carla Macchiavello Cornejo, & Paula Solimano. Amherst College Press, 2023
Una cartografía extraña, Lucía Egaña Rojas & Paulina E. Varas, Ediciones Metales Pesados, Chile, 2021
Gran Sur, Arte Contemporáneo Chileno en la Colección Engel, exhibition catalogue, Spain, 2020
Liberación y Acción, en colaboración con Lorena Tabares, diSONARE magazine, Mexico City, 2019
Cuerpos Comunicantes, Terremoto Magazine, Mexico City, 2019
Poemas Concretos, exhibition catalogue, Die Ecke, Santiago, Chile, 2016
Uprisings, exhibition catalogue, Gallimard / Jeu de Paume, Paris, 2016
You Are Here: NYC Mapping the Soul of the City, Katharine Harmon, Princeton Architectural Press, 2016
Much wider than a line, exhibition catalogue, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, 2016
Práctica sola / Alone Practice, Ediciones Popolet, Santiago, 2015
Inside la industria membrillera, The Forager Magazine, Bangalore, India, 2015
Occupy Wall Street, ARQ79 (Santiago), Dec. 2011
ORO DULCE, Exhibition newsletter, Santiago, Chile 2011
Pirámide #1, Celeste, Ciudad de México, 2010
Post-it City, Abitare, Italy, July, 2010
Il Patrimonio e l'abitare, Carmen Andriani, Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2010
Making Space, Exhibition Catalogue, Superfront Books, New York 2010
A Prior Magazine, issue #18: The New York Conversations, Brussels 2008
Post-it City, Ciudades Ocasionales, Exhibition Catalog, CCCB, Barcelona, 2008
La Ciudad como Escuela / The City as School, ARQ (Santiago), Dec. 2006
No hay nadie en Paris, Spam_arq, Santiago, Chile, May 2006
Palomares: Notas de Edición / Pigeon Coops: Editing Notes, ARQ (Santiago), Dec. 2003
Beyond Media/ Oltre Media:
6th International Festival for Architecture in Video, Florence, Editrice Compositori, Italy, 2002
Palomares/ Sukkah, Quaderns, # 235: Used City II, 2002
Press / Reviews / Interviews
Francisca Benítez: Acción Directa, by Carla Macchiavello Cornejo, Revista Artishock, Chile, 09/06/2023
Conocer para aprender y no para dominar, by Carolina Castro, La Escuela, Sept 2022
En Obra, interview with Carolina Martínez, ARTV Chile, April 2022
Exposición “Riego” en galería Die Ecke, El Mostrador, Mar 2022
Frottage, Takuhon, and the Gyotaku Methods by Marie Lorenz, The Brooklyn Rail, 02/2022
What to See in N.Y.C. Galleries Right Now: In support by Will Heinrich, The New York Times, 02/24/2022
Your Concise New York Art Guide for December 2021 by Cassie Packard, Hyperallergic, Dec 2021
Poesía Sorda por Katerina Wonisak, Oct 2019
9 Art Events to Attend in New York, ARTnews, July 2019
Hidden Treasures, by Nell Porter Brown, Harvard Magazine, March-April 2018
Sign-Language As Music, Poetry At NBMAA, by Susan Dunne, The Hartford Courant, 12/11/2017
Die Poesie des Aufstandes, by Heinz Peter Schwerfel, Das Kunstmagazine, 12/2016
Hacia la fluidez de la percepción fragmentada, by Carolina Martínez Sánchez, Rotunda Magazine, 12/5/2016
Eternel Soulèvement, by Jean-Baptiste Gauvin, Point Culture, 10/2016
Exposition Soulèvements, by Michèle Jacobs-Hermès, TV5 Monde, 10/2016
Interview with Brainard Carey, Yale University Radio WYBCX, 10/2016
Poetic path: Artist Francisca Benitez builds neighborhood bonds, by Jennifer Levin, Pasatiempo, 09/30/2016
The Big Show with Honey Harris, Radio Free Santa Fe 98.1 Kbac, 09/29/2016
Soundless gestures as poetic fragments, by Gia Kourlas, The New York Times, 07/2015
At the Wifredo Lam Center: art in the plural, by Ricardo Alberto Pérez, Cuba Absolutely, 06/2015
Bienal de la Habana: la presencia de los artistas chilenos, by Mariella Sola, Arte al Límite, 06/2015
Poética y política de ‘Son en Señas’, by Mariella Sola, Artishock, 06/2015
La Habana se mira desde el arte, by Diana Ferreiro, Granma, 22/05/2015
Lenguaje de señas, by Miguel Darío García Porto, Radio Enciclopedia, 08/06/2015
Programa Paradiso, interview with Angel Ferrera, Radio Habana, 05/2015
Arde Latinoamérica, by Pablo León de la Barra, L’Officiel México, 02/2015
Women Unite, by Alix Browne, W Magazine, 11/2014
Close Closer, the Perec-esque Triennale by Ethel Baraona Pohl, Quaderns, Sept, 2013
The incessant medium by Nick Axel, Uncube magazine, 09/23/2013
A look at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale by William Menking, The Architect’s Newspaper, 09/13/13
Dímelo con las manos by Gabriela García, Qué Pasa, 03/01/2013
La artista que llevará la lengua de los sordos al museo by Denisse Espinoza, La Tercera, 15/12/2012
Desire Lines, Mousse Magazine 22/12/2012
Itinerarios Subjetivos by Adrià Attardi Villar, La Vanguardia, 22/11/2012
LONDONing_A WALK: Through Sites of Dissent by Barbara Speziale, ArteSera, 10/02/2012
Francisca Benítez: public space and psychogeography by Florence Ritter, Spectacularum, 09/13/2012
La rue est à nous, by Miriam Rosen, Movement, 02/01/2012
Francisca Benítez: Property Lines by Macarena Molina, Artishock, 08/16/2011
Contaminaciones en el arte contemporáneo cosmopolita by Carla Macchiavello, Errata #5, 2011
The Architectural Agonism of the Unplanned, a Play in Ten Acts by Cristina Goberna, Domus, 2010
The Brucennial: Piece By Piece, by Brent Burket, Hyperallergic, 03/15/2010
Plotzing Over The 'Reinventing Ritual' Show by Andy Port,
T Magazine of The New York Times, Sept.14 2009
Preemptive Resistances: Critical Pointers in Latin American Art by Tatiana Flores,
Art Nexus, Issue #73 Jun/Aug 2009
Instant Cities by Alexander McSpadden, DAM #16 (Brussels), April/May 2008
Prótesis del Nuevo Exodo by Enrique Solanich, Arte Al Limite, June 2007
Re:Generation Emerging Women Artists by Lori Cole, Artforum, March 2007
Aliens in Our Midst by Wayne Hodge, The Reeler, 6/12/2006
Agitprop by Steven Menashi, The New York Sun, 22/7/2004
Terrorvision y mas allá by Ana Tiscornia, Brecha, 18/6/2004
Beyond Media/Oltre Media by Lavinia Garulli, Exibart, 3/5/2002
Building Codes on the Wall by Mark Ginsberg, Oculus, October 2001
Deciphering the City's Hidden Code by J.A. Lobbia, The Village Voice, 8/28/2001
2019 - 2022 Teaching Artist, Studio in a School, New York City.
2019 - 2020 Teaching Artist, Queens Museum / Corona Library Sci-fi festival / Spooktacular
2015 - 2016 Art, Cooper-Park Senior Center, JASA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2015 - Summer Program, Libraries Without Borders, Bronx, NY, US
2013 - 2015 Art, Baruch Community Center, NYCHA, New York, New York, US
2013 - 2015 Art, Seward Park Community Center, NYCHA, New York, New York, US
2010 - 2015 Art, Cooper-Park Senior Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2013 - Design and Urban Ecologies Studio (MS), The New School, New York, US
2010 - 2013 Art, Rutgers Community Center, NYCHA, New York, New York, US
2011 - Taller de Arte, Escuela Básica de Pichingal, Molina, Maule Region, Chile
2008 - 2012 Art, Independence Community Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2008 - 2012 Art, Independence Senior Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2003 - 2008 Art, Bushwick-Hylan Community Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2006 - 2008 Art, Bushwick-Hylan Senior Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2007 - Art, Roosevelt II Community Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2007 - Art, Williamsburg Community Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
2005 - Architecture Studio, Academy of Urban Planning / Center for Urban Pedagogy, Brooklyn, NY, US
2004 - Recycling Studio Summer Program, Center for Urban Pedagogy, Bronx, New York, US
2004 - Architecture Studio Summer Program, Center for Urban Pedagogy, New York, US
2003 - 2004 Art, Wyckoff Houses Community Center, NYCHA, Brooklyn, New York, US
1997 - Urban Studies I, FAU, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir, New York
Gays Against Guns, New York
Art Against Displacement, New York
Chinatown & LES Artists Against Displacement, New York
National Mobilization Against Sweatshops, New York
Chinatown Working Group, New York
Coalition to Protect Chinatown & Lower East Side, New York
Asamblea Popular de Chile en Nueva York
Arts Union, New York
La Vieja Escuela, artes & cultivos, Pichingal, Chile
OUA Canal Los Pobres de Pichingal, Chile
Collaborations / Participant
2024 - Domino Table Talks, with Edra Soto, organized by The Clemente, New York
2022 - Ex-termination Living Quipu, Cecilia Vicuña, Guggenheim Museum, New York, US
2022 - Species of Least Concern, The Tide and Current Taxi by Marie Lorenz, U Thant Island, NYC
2022 - change without us, music record, with Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir
2022 - Murmurations by Gregory Corbino, River to River Festival, LMCC, NYC
2022 - Standing Strong by Joanne Lefrak, Acequia Madre House, Santa Fe, NM
2021 - The Way Out, Steirischer Herbst ’21 with Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
2021 - Insectageddon by Cecilia Vicuña at The High Line
2021 - Echo Location by Charlotte Brathwaite, Sunder Ganglani, Kai Pelton and y.o.u.
at Rashid Johnson’s Red Stage
2020 - Tear gas in Plaza de la Dignidad, Forensic Architecture
2019 - To Name An Other, by Jeffrey Gibson, New Museum - performer
2018 - Lecturas bajo la cojoba, with Jorge González, Whitney Museum, NY, US - guest reader
2018 - ASL Slam, with Douglas Ridloff, Whitney Museum, NY, US - performer
2018 - Part of the Continuum: Francisca Benítez + Ricardo Gallo
2016 - 2019 ASL Night, HOJ Deaf Club at the Shrine, NY, US - performer
2015 - Algunas Décimas, performative reading for Sangría Editores Benefit at Y Gallery, NY, US
2015 - Cantos del Agua by Cecilia Vicuña - performer
2014 - Proyecto Pregunta de Mil M2 - guest editor
2012 - Can't Stop Rock Lobster by Merkx & Gwynne - contributing artist
2012 - Love Story, Palestine by Yoshiko Chuma - performer
2011 - Strategies for Occupation, Storefront for Art and Architecture - participant
2011 - M2 Invisible by Fred Forest - assistant/performer
2011 - Milton Rabbitt improv project
2011 - Sacred spaces in profane buildings by Matilde Cassani - contributor
2010 - Blind sculpture by Gelitin, New York - performer
2009 - Lively Presence, a book by Instituto Divorciado- contributing artist.
2009 - Die Verbotenen Frösche, New York - music performer
2008 - The New York Conversations, A Prior Magazine, issue #18, New York - participant
2008 - Cult in the desert, a performance by Sienna Shields - performer
2007 - day-glo, a collaborative show by Elisita Punto, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY
2007 - RoS Indexical by Yvonne Rainer, New York - performer
2007 - NY Peace Walk: In the Footsteps of Paul Auster by Stalker Lab - participant
2007 - der doppelgänger, song for a short film by Nayra Ilic, Sanitago - singer
2007 - Cueca chora con Los Vinelli, Chile - performer
2007 - Filete de Nutria, Nutria NN and friends at Monkeytown, Brooklyn, NY
2006 - girls, girls, girls by Scott Penkava, New York - performer
2006 - Flashlight: No soy de aqui no soy de allá by Ivan Navarro, New York - camera
2005 - pok a tok, a video by Tina Schula, New York - performer
2005 - Nutria / Roquerío, New York - singer
2005 - Detén el Invierno by Nutria - video director
2004 - Gnatos, Music, New York - music performer
2004 - Homeless lamp the juice sucker by Ivan Navarro, New York - production, location scout, camera
2003 - Wavegarden by Yusuke Obuchi, New York - video
2003 - Open Cine with Luca Pizzaroni and Storefront.
2003 - Words, Images and Spaces: A Language For A New City by Kyong Park - camera
1998 - Shadi & company: Sunday jam sessions, New York - singer
Art fairs
2020 Die Ecke at ARCO, Madrid, Spain
2019 Galería Pasto at ArteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2018 Die Ecke at ArteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2018 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2017 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2015 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2014 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2013 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2012 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2012 Die Ecke at Swab, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
2011 Filmarmalade at Sluice, London, UK
2011 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2009 Die Ecke at PINTA, New York, US
2009 Die Ecke at Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
2006 Galería Animal at ArteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2006 Exit Art at The Armory Show, New York, US