> Current / Actual


Trabajo de campo
Francisca Benítez
11 de Diciembre 2024 - 20 de Abril 2025
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
Sede Parque Forestal
Santiago, Chile

Horario: martes a domingo de 10:30 a 17:30 h.
Entrada gratuita
Metro: Estación Bellas Artes


*Importante: MAC Parque Forestal permanece cerrado entre el 27 de enero y el 7 de marzo por receso universitario. Reapertura: sábado 8 de marzo.




> Past / Pasado


Taller de Poesía Sorda
Rimas por formas de la mano en LSCh
Jueves 23 Enero, 2025
16:00 h
Sede: MAC Parque Forestal

La actividad es gratuita, previa inscripción acá:


Trabajo de campo
Inauguración: 11 de Diciembre 2024, 19:00 h.


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
UK Tour - October 2024

Sunday 20 October: HASTINGS
The Stables Theatre & Art Centre
Monday 21 October: BRIGHTON
Attenborough Centre For The Creative Arts
Tuesday 22 October: CANTERBURY
Gulbenkian Arts Centre
Wednesday 23 October: COLCHESTER
Colchester Arts Centre
Friday 24 October: CAMBRIDGE
Cambridge Junction
Saturday 26 October: LONDON
Newington Green Meeting House
Sunday 27 October: BIRMINGHAM
Midlands Arts Centre


The Sun Is A Star That Keeps Me Warm
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir



Earth Chxrch
Sunday Services
with Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
every Sunday at 5pm
36 Loisaida Ave C & East 3rd St.


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
celebrate Summer of Heat activists

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 7pm
New York Ethical Society
2 W 64th St, New York, NY 10023


Art Against Displacement at the
Anarchist Book Fair
Saturday, September 21, 2024,
11am -7pm
La Plaza Community Garden
9th St & Ave C


37 Aniversario de La Peña del Bronx
Sábado, 21 de Septiembre, 2024
Jardín Comunitario María Sola
134th St & Lincoln Ave. The Bronx
6 Train to 3rd Ave/ 138th St.


Just Step Sideways
July 25 - Aug 30** extended!
Opening Reception, July 25, 6-8pm
Closing performance August 30, 7pm
Various/Artists NYC 10002
hours Wed - Sun, 4-8pm

Sudden Sway
Francisca Benítez
Martin Beck
Liz Wendelbo
Garret Linn
James Beckett and André Avelas

A rolling evolving index of how to get lost, run adrift, walk in someone else's shoes and so on…


Deinstall (Rub to Work)
Closing performance at Just Step Sideways
August 30, 7pm
19 Essex St. NYC 10002


La voz de la montaña
23 de Mayo al 25 de Agosto 2024
León, Guanajuato

Galería Jesús Gallardo
Pedro Moreno 202, esquina con Hermanos Aldama,
Centro Histórico, en el Interior del Teatro Manuel Doblado.
León, Guanajuato, México.


poetry reading
June 13th, 2024
Storm Bookstore
118 Norman Ave
11222, Brooklyn, NY


Art Against Displacement at the
East Village Zine Fair

Co-Presented by Printed Matter / St Marks and 8-Ball Community
Outside on St. Marks Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues
New York, NY

Saturday, June 15th, 2024
11am - 7pm

This Saturday, June 15, visit Art Against Displacement’s table at the East Village Zine Fair! We’ll be debuting a new zine about the Ain’t I A Woman?! Campaign’s fight against the 24-hour workday, as well as zines and ephemera by Research and Destroy and AAD members and friends.



opening for Neil Young & Crazy Horse
with Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

APR 24
Wed, 7:30 pm
San Diego, CA • Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre at SDSU

APR 25
Thu, 7:30 pm
San Diego, CA • Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre at SDSU

APR 27
Sat, 7:30 pm
Phoenix, AZ • Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre

MAY 01
Wed, 7:30 pm
Austin, TX • Germania Insurance Amphitheater

MAY 02
Thu, 7:30 pm
Dallas, TX • Dos Equis Pavilion

MAY 05
Sun, 7:30 pm
Huntsville, AL • Orion Amphitheater

MAY 07
Tue, 7:30 pm
Alpharetta, GA • Ameris Bank Amphitheatre

MAY 08
Wed, 7:30 pm
Franklin, TN • FirstBank Amphitheater

MAY 11
Sat, 7:30 pm
Bristow, VA • Jiffy Lube Live

MAY 12
Sun, 7:30 pm
Camden, NJ • Freedom Mortgage Pavilion

MAY 14
Tue, 7:00 pm
Forest Hills, NY • Forest Hills Stadium at West Side Tennis Club

MAY 15
Wed, 7:00 pm
Forest Hills, NY • Forest Hills Stadium at West Side Tennis Club

MAY 17
Fri, 7:30 pm
Mansfield, MA • Xfinity Center - MA

MAY 18
Sat, 7:30 pm
Bridgeport, CT • Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater

MAY 20
Mon, 7:30 pm
Toronto, ON • Budweiser Stage

MAY 22
Wed, 7:30 pm
City of the Village of Clarkston, MI • Pine Knob Music Theatre

MAY 23
Thu, 7:30 pm
Chicago, IL • Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island



February - March 2024:
In residency @ La Vieja Escuela, Artes & Cultivos

Pichingal, Molina, Chile


Arqueología del Maule
Jueves 29 de Febrero 2024
18:00 a 20:00 h.
Charla sobre arte rupestre prehispánico en el Maule
Sitios de arte rupestre y arqueología.
¡Qué hacer frente a un hallazgo!
Clemente Mella, investigador
Andrés Valdebenito, historiador
Eileen Paz, arqueóloga de la UACH
Sebastián Hernández, arqueólogo de la UACH


Kaput en vivo en La Vieja Escuela
(con luna llena)
Recital. Todas las edades. Gratis.
Sábado 24 de Febrero 2024,
19:00 h.


Encuentro de ciclistas:
Moviéndonos por ciudades más humanas de Coyhaique a Curicó, experiencias arriba de la bici
Viernes 16 de Febrero 2024
18:30 - 20:00 h
Agrupaciones de ciclistas, locales y lejanas, se reunirán en la Vieja Escuela de Pichingal a compartir sus experiencias en un conversatorio abierto a todo público.


taller abierto con Cecilia Benítez

7 al 10 de Febrero, 2024
17:00 a 20:00 h.

Taller: 7, 8, 9 de Febrero 2024
Actividad gratuita para mayores de 14 años.
Inscripciones abiertas del 1 al 5 de Febrero,
en persona: anotarse en la lista en la puerta
o por email: viejaescuelapichingal@gmail.com
Apertura al público: 10 de Febrero 2024

Cecilia Benítez es escultora, nació en Chile en 1947, cursó estudios de Bellas Artes en la Escuela de Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Chile entre los años 1967 y 1970. Integró el taller de la escultora Rosa Vicuña en Chile. Vive en Buenos Aires desde 1985 y participa en el taller de dibujo del maestro Juan Lopez Taetzel. Desde 2005 se dedica a la talla directa en piedra en el taller del escultor Omar Estela hasta el 2020, a partir de entonces monta su propio taller de talla, barros y horneadas en Achupallas, un pequeño pueblo de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Participa activamente en el proyecto Museo Urbano colaborando en montajes, selección de obras, talleres y el registro de las acciones del MU (www.museourbano.org).


en vivo en La Vieja Escuela

Martes 6 de Febrero, 2024, 19:00 h

Nutria es un cantautor chileno de música folk y rock. Sus canciones revisan la tradición poética hispanoamericana para reorientarla a su propia vida migrante.


Earth Chxrch
Sunday Services
every Sunday at 5pm starting January 14th, 2024
36 Ave. C
Loisaida Av. & East 3rd St.
***notice new time: 5pm!


Riego: A Language of Shared Water by Francisca Benítez
in Dismantling the Nation: Contemporary Art in Chile (free pdf download)
Amherst College Press, 2023
Edited by Florencia San Martín, Carla Macchiavello Cornejo, & Paula Solimano
Book launch October 26, 2023


Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir
at Joe's Pub at the Public Theater

425 Lafayette St.
New York City
November 26, 2023, 6pm
December 10, 2023, 6pm
December 17, 2023, 6pm --sold-out-- watch livestream here


The Endless Coup
September 5th - September 30th
NADA East Broadway
311 E Broadway, 2nd floor
New York NY, 10002


We Keep Singing
Fundraiser for The Freedom Theatre in Jenin, Palestine
Friday, September 22, 2023, 7pm
Starr Bar
214 Starr Street Brooklyn, NY 11237


Remembering Barbara Ehrenreich
Center for Brooklyn History
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Thu, Sep 28 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
livestream video


Raising Voices Festival
Saturday, September 23, 2023
11:30 AM Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir
Downtown Boston
Revolutionary Spaces
310 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02108



Francisca Benítez
Direct Action

June 17th through September 9th, 2023
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012

Gallery Hours
Wednesday – Saturday
12 pm – 6 pm

Exhibition Opening:
Saturday, June 17th from 4 – 7 pm
Performance by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, 6pm

Exhibition Closing:
Saturday, September 9th, 6pm
Performance by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir

Scheduled Exhibition Events:

June 17, 6pm: Opening Performance by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir

June 29, 5pm – 7pm: Performance by Leila Adu with Savitri D.

July 6, 5-7pm: Performance by Leila Adu with Kwami Coleman and Erich Barganier

July 7, 2:30-4pm: Art Against Displacement zine-making party

July 11, 6:30pm: Art Against Displacement monthly meeting

July 15, 5-7pm: Performance by Ali Dineen

July 29, 4-6pm: Performance by Raimundo

August 3, 1pm: Performance by Ray Santiago & friends

August 8, 6:30pm: Art Against Displacement monthly meeting

August 12, 5-7pm: Performance by Cecilia Vicuña, Samita Sinha and Ricardo Gallo

August 19, 4-6pm: Performance by Eduardo Pavez Goye and Rodrigo Recabarren

August 26, 5-7pm: Performance by Ricardo Gallo and Amirtha Kidambi

August 31, 12-8pm: What question is urgent to ask? Book launch by MilM2

September 1, 5pm: Performance by Sunder Ganglani & friends

September 8, 7-8pm: Film Program: bank invasion shorts and Earth Riot by Immo Klink, US premiere

September 9, 6pm: Closing performance by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir















Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir
Summer 2023 NYC calendar:

Earth Chxrch
36 Loisaida Ave, NYC 10009 (36 Ave C @ East 3rd st.)



Exploring the Earth as Lover: Ecosex and the City
Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle
June 17, 2023, 8pm
Performance Space New York
150 First Avenue
New York, NY 10009


Welcome to the fabulous unknown
Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
425 Lafayette St.
New York City
Sunday May 7, 2023 4PM - tickets
Sunday May 14, 2023 4PM - tickets


Tomorrow is the Question:
Storefront Futures Fund

A Benefit Art Sale to support Storefront for Art and Architecture at kurimanzutto

Thursday – Saturday, April 20 – 22, 2023

Opening Reception:
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
6 pm - 8 pm

Closing Reception:
Saturday, April 22, 2023
3 pm - 6 pm
with ping pong tournament on Rirkrit Tiravanija’s
Tomorrow is the Question ping pong table.

520 W 20th St.
New York, NY 10011

List of works


The Future We Speak
March 17th - April 15th, 2023
Opening Reception: March 17th, 6 - 8pm
LES Gallery at The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural Center
107 Suffolk Street
New York, NY 10002
(btw Rivington & Delancey)


36 Ave C (at East 3rd St.) NYC
Sunday March 19, 2023, 3pm


Tardes de improvisación musical
en la Vieja Escuela
todos los Jueves de Enero 2023
de 6 a 8 de la tarde.
tod@s invitad@s a participar



Encuentro: Desafíos del multilingüismo y la educación
Conversación virtual en el Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende
24 de enero 2023, a las 19:00 hrs

Lanzamiento digital de la traducción al mapudungún del cuento “En la Selva hay mucho por hacer” (Mauricio Gatti, 1971) titulada “Mülekey küdaw mawidantu mew”, realizada por Jacqueline Caniguan Caniguan en consulta con diversos actores de la comunidad lingüística mapuche.

Con Jacqueline Caniguan (Académica del departamento de Lenguas, literatura y comunicación de la Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco) y Francisca Benítez (artista visual quien ha desarrollado obras con comunidades sordas).


Conocer para aprender y no para dominar,
texto de Carolina Castro Jorquera, La Escuela, Sept 2022

Knowing in Order to Learn and Not for Dominating,
text by Carolina Castro Jorquera, La Escuela, Sept 2022


Reverend Billy & the Stop Shopping Choir
change without us

NEW RECORD released August 10 2022

also on Spotify
and Apple


Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo
Plaza de Cibeles, 1. 28014 Madrid
25 de octubre de 2022 – 29 de enero de 2023


Homo Ludens: Arte y juego en Colección Ca.Sa
3 de diciembre 2022 al 13 de enero 2023
Galería de Artes Visuales del Parque Cultural Ex Cárcel de Valparaíso
Calle Cárcel 471, Cerro Cárcel, Valparaíso, Chile.
Horario: Martes a domingo
de 10 a 13 horas, y de 16:30 a 18:30 horas.
Entrada gratuita.


Reverend Billy & Stop Shopping Choir
Sunday, December 11, 2022, 4pm
at Joe's Pub
425 Lafayette St.
New York City
Livestream at Joe's pub channel


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir UK
present Earth Church
a radical anti-capitalist community show
Walthamstow Trades Hall
London, UK
Sunday October 30th, 2022


David Graeber Institute
Opening: October 29, 2022, 19:00hrs (London time)
inaugural Apartment Art Exhibition APT / ART – CLIMATE EMERGENCY at 52 Boundary Rd, London NW8 0HJ (Rowley Way) simultaneously with parallel exhibitions taking place all over the world.

Community members, neighbors, friends, artists, and activists led by Reverend Billy and members of The Church of Stop Shopping together with the Red Rebel Brigade walk along the famous red-brick Rowley Way road in a merry procession from Abbey Road to the TRA community building.


Saturday, October 15, at 7pm
with Ray Santiago and his Afro Cuban Jazz ensemble
at Campos Community Garden, 644 E 12th St (between Ave B & C)
part of LUNGS’ 11th Annual Harvest Arts Festival


Joanne Lefrak is featuring
Acuerdo (en LSCh) in her exhibition
Standing Strong
Women’s International Study Center
Acequia Madre House
July 29 - September 9, 2022
M W F 10am - 3pm
614 Acequia Madre
Santa Fe, NM 87505


Ex-termination Living Quipu: A Performance by Cecilia Vicuña
Guggenheim Museum
August 30, 2022
4–8 pm EDT
1071 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10128


Show with Flux Factory
@ Gov­er­nors Island
August 27, 2022


Species of Least Concern
Planting a Huingan in U Thant Island with Marie Lorenz.
a collaboration in her ongoing Tide and Current Taxi

The Tide and Current Taxi is a rowboat taxi in the New York Harbor, operated by the artist Marie Lorenz. Each trip is planned to coincide with strong tidal currents, all documented with pictures and stories.


with Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir
Spring - Summer 2022
Every Sunday at 5pm
36 Avenue C
(with East 3rd St.)

free & open to all


River To River Festival
MURMURATIONS—Gregory Corbino
July 29 2022, 6:30pm

Teardrop Park, Battery Park City,
Enter at North End Avenue or River Terrace entrance
Warren Street, New York, NY, 10005




exposición individual de Francisca Benítez

del 25 de marzo al 14 de mayo 2022

Die Ecke, Santiago
Av. José Manuel Infante 1180, Providencia

Viernes 25 de Marzo de 19:30 a 21:30 h

Martes a Viernes
15:00 a 19:00 h
11:00 a 14:00 h



March 26 - May 14, 2022

die ecke
arte contemporáneo
José Manuel Infante 1180
Providencia, Santiago, Chile

March 25, 2022
7:30 - 9:30pm




CPCP conference: Revolutionary Arts
at The People's Forum
May 4 & 5, 2022

Panel 1: Consciousness on edge
Francisca Benítez and Andreas Petrossiants
Thursday, May 5, 2022, 1pm-2:45pm
ASL interpreted


The People’s Forum
320 West 37th St. NY, NY 10018


Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir
April 23, 2022, 6-8:30 pm
at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Ave. at 112th St.
New York, NY 10025
imagine repair


Presentación de
Una cartografía extraña
Producciones narrativas entre la migración y el arte

editado por Lucía Egaña Rojas y Paulina E. Varas
en Metales Pesados
con relatos de Cecilia Barriga, Carla Bobadilla, Ángeles Donoso, Ingrid Wildi Merino, Constanza Piña, Claudia del Fierro, Paula Cobo, Alejandra Pérez, Katia Sepúlveda, Fernanda Carvajal, Valentina Montero, Marisa Cornejo, Julia Antivilo, Francisca Benítez y Camila Marambio.

Domingo 10 de abril de 2022
19:00 h.
Die Ecke arte contemporáneo
Av. José Manuel Infante 1180, Providencia
Santiago, Chile.

Una cartografía extraña
Producciones narrativas entre la migración y el arte

de Lucía Egaña Rojas & Paulina E. Varas
access at the New York Public Library
a la venta en Chile en Metales Pesados
available here & here


In Support
November 18, 2021–March 12, 2022
The Kitchen
512 West 19th Street, NYC

Works by Fia Backström, Francisca Benítez, Papo Colo, and Clynton Lowry
Organized by Alison Burstein

Exhibition Viewing Hours: Thursday–Saturday, 2–6pm

Papo Colo, Ceremonies Viewing Hours: Select Fridays and Saturdays, 6–8pm

Free admission.

In Support - exhibition booklet

Riego, 2021, on view at The Kitchen
November 18, 2021–March 12, 2022.





La Vieja Escuela
artes y cultivos


Calle Principal, Ruta K-155, Km. 6,4
entre callejón Las Rosas y callejón La Capilla.
Molina, Chile.

Próxima jornada de Puertas Abiertas:
Sábado 5 de Marzo 2022, de 17:00 a 20:00 horas.


Mapa de ubicación




How to Read a Vessel
September 10, 2021 - January 9, 2022
Art Gallery of Burlington (AGB)
1333 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, ON L7S 1A9


Presentación de
Una cartografía extraña
editado por Lucía Egaña Rojas y Paulina E. Varas
en Metales Pesados
con relatos de Cecilia Barriga, Carla Bobadilla, Ángeles Donoso, Ingrid Wildi Merino, Constanza Piña, Claudia del Fierro, Paula Cobo, Alejandra Pérez, Katia Sepúlveda, Fernanda Carvajal, Valentina Montero, Marisa Cornejo, Julia Antivilo, Francisca Benítez y Camila Marambio.

Lunes 20 de diciembre 2021, 20:00h (6pm EST)
Presentan: Suely Rolnik y Andrea Soto Calderón
streaming: https://youtu.be/mlDadaw_AbU

Una cartografía extraña
Producciones narrativas entre la migración y el arte

de Lucía Egaña Rojas & Paulina E. Varas
access at the New York Public Library
a la venta en Chile en Metales Pesados
available here & here


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
Earth Riot at The Flamboyan

The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center
107 Suffolk St, New York, NY 10002
Thursday, December 16, 2021, 8:00 PM
Tickets: https://actionnetwork.org/ticketed_events/earth-riot-at-the-clemente


Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping 20th anniversary
November 28, 2021 8pm
Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street (at Astor Place)
New York, NY 10003
doors open at 7pm

Livestream recording



Standards presents MILANO PAH! a three-day
workshop on Milan, LIS, and the archipelago
of Deafness conceived by the Chilean-American
artist Francisca Benítez and curated by Eugenia Delfini.

Thursday, October 7th
5:30PM - 7:30PM @NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Lecture by Francisca Benítez

Friday, October 8th
4:30PM - 6:30PM @Standards
LIS workshop with Matteo Pedrazzi
7:00PM - 8:00PM @Standards
Presentation of the video performance
Autoritratto in Tre Atti by artist Diana Anselmo
8:00PM - 9:00PM @Standards
Screening of Segna con Me
by Chiara Tarfano and Silvia Bencivelli

Saturday, October 9th
10:30AM - 12:30PM @Standards
Meeting with Martina Gerosa & Salvatore Triolo
3:30PM - 5:00PM @Spazio Aperto Servizi
Meeting with Valentina Gipponi and Lara Luppi
on the project No Barriere alla Comunicazione
5:30PM - 7:00PM @Spazio Fattoria, Fabbrica del Vapore
Meeting with the group Aspettando il Festival del Silenzio
on Cinedeaf, Visual Sign, Visual Vernacular and the Festival.


Steirischer Herbst ’21
The Way Out

September 9–October 10, 2021
Graz, Austria

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
dates and locations:

17.9., 18.9., 14:00h
Palais Attems
Sackstraße 17
8010 Graz

17.9., 18.9., 18:00h
(entrance Kalchberggasse)
8010, Graz


documentation of one of the Graz interventions in Metrópolis in RTVE
the Church of Stop Shopping from time code 16:04 to 19:33 (with Spanish subtitles)


Cecilia Vicuña

Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 3 – 6pm;

Bombus impatiens and other harmonies
3:30pm: On the Flyover, on the High Line between 25th and 27th Streets
Francisca Benítez and Sunder Ganglani will present a harmonizing vocal duet inspired by the Latin and common names of the insects found on the High Line in synchronicity with an ASL interpreter.

FREE - register here
Sign up for September 25, 3pm entry time, enter at 30th St & 10th Ave.


record cover art for Memo Dumay


Libertad a lxs presxs de la revuelta en Chile


End the use of tear gas on civilians. Everywhere.



Gran Sur: Contemporary Chilean Art from the Engel Collection
Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid, España
February 25 – April 26, 2020


Francisco Copello / Francisca Benítez
ARCO Madrid 2020
Stand 9A12, Die Ecke Arte Contemporáneo
26 de febrero al 1 de marzo
IFEMA. Av. del Partenón, Nº 5, 28042 Madrid, España


Possibilities for Thought and Action: DESIS at 10
Friday, February 28, 2020 at 2 PM – 7 PM
Wollman Hall at the New School
65 W 11th St, New York, New York 10011



24 Octubre 2019 - 1 de Marzo 2020
Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos
Matucana 501
Santiago, Chile


poetry reading & issue launch
Wed, January 15, 2020
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
@ The Brooklyn Rail
253 36th Street
Suite C304
Brooklyn, NY 11232


Public Launch: Storefront’s Digital Archive

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 / 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Archive on View:
Thursday, December 19 – Friday, December 20 / 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street, New York, NY


Contra el estado de excepción y por un nuevo pacto social: Una conversación con Chile
Co-sponsored by NYU's Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics,
CLACS, and Pratt Global South Center.
53 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012


Cuerpos Comunicantes
10 Octubre - 28 Noviembre, 2019
Die Ecke Barcelona
Montmany 27, local
Barcelona 08012
(+34) 93 4151931
horario: Lun a jue: 17-20h



Cuerpos Comunicantes en revista Terremoto


horario durante Barcelona Gallery Weekend:
De jue. 10 a sáb. 12 / 11h-20h
Dom. 13 / 11h-15h
Visita guiada con Francisca Benítez
Jueves 10 de Octubre, 2019. 18:30h


Power and Policy on the Lower East Side

Tue, Nov. 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM
Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand Street, New York, NY, 10002


Uptown Bounce: Emerging Latinx Identities
July 31, 2019, 6-9pm | Blackbox Theater (3rd Floor)
El Museo del Barrio
1230 5th Ave, New York, NY 10029
(corner of 104th st.)


The Work Of Love
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

Saturday, June 15 at 7pm
The Quaker Meeting House
15 Rutherford Pl, New York, NY 10003
(East 15th St. and Second Ave.)
ASL interpreted / all ages / Pay what you wish


PELEA: Visual Responses to Spatial Precarity
February 15 - May 11, 2019
Groana Melendez, Francisca Benítez, Melissa Calderón,
Mi Casa No es Su Casa, Alicia Grullón, Jehdy Vargas,
Carlos Jesus Martinez Dominguez, Roy Baizan, and Shellyne Rodriguez
NYU The Latinx Project
53 Washington Square South, New York, NY
gallery hours: Monday through Friday from 11am to 7pm.
Closing party: Sat, May 11, 2019, 6pm-9pm, free, RSVP

PELEA: Visual Responses to Spatial Precarity
Art & The Politics of Space Symposium: March 14th, 2019


Jane’s Walk 2019
United Against Displacement: A Walk through Two Bridges

led by Francisca Benítez, Briar Winters &
members of the Coalition to Protect Chinatown & Lower East Side
RSVP or simply show up
Saturday May 4, 11am.
Sunday May 5, 1pm.
Meet at Straus Square (East Broadway and Rutgers St, New York, NY 10002)


An Evening of Poetry, Spoken and Signed
Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 6pm-8pm
New Britain Museum of American Art
56 Lexington Street
New Britain, CT 06052
in collaboration with NBMAA, students from
the American School for the Deaf (ASD)
and the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts.


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 7pm
214 Starr St. Bushwick
FREE / all ages / ASL interpreted


I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but I know what you mean
curated by Paula Borghi & Lara Koseff
11 – 14 April, 2019
Pasto Galeria, Buenos Aires
& Goodman Gallery, Cape Town - Johannesburg


Has dado al mundo tus canciones
Focus: Die Ecke curated by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill
Feria Ch.ACO 2018
Santiago, Chile


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
presented by Southern Rep Theatre

Saturday, April 06, 2019 at 10:00 pm
Sunday, April 07, 2019 at 7:30 pm

Southern Rep Theatre
2541 Bayou Rd
New Orleans
LA 70119 USA


FALL 2018 - upcoming actions and performances
with Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir:

Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street (at Astor Place)
New York, NY 10003

November 25, 2pm (ASL interpreted concert)
December 2, 2pm (ASL interpreted concert)
December 9, 2pm (ASL interpreted concert)
December 16, 2pm
December 23, 2pm




Miami Beach, 2018
5-8 December
Die Ecke - stand A 42
Francisca Benítez
Cristóbal Lehyt
Felipe Mujica
Johanna Unzueta


I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but I know what you mean
curated by Paula Borghi y Lara Koseff
Goodman Gallery, Cape Town
29 November 2018 - 12 January 2019


Uprisings / Soulèvements
September 7 through November 24, 2018.
Université du Québec à Montréal
1400, rue Berri, Pavillon Judith-Jasmin, Local J-R 120
Montréal, Québec


Lecturas bajo la cojoba

with Jorge González
6 pm
Whitney Museum
5th floor


SUMMER 2018 - upcoming actions and performances
with Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir:

Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Greece.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church
09/07 until 11/07/2018 at 19:00 h
Filellinon 27, Athina 105 57

Syntagma Square
12/07 until 13/07/2018 at 19:00 h

*Review: Tourists Against Trump by Ivan March


Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances
in American Architecture since 1968

Panel discussion
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Pratt Institute
61 Saint James Place
Brooklyn, NY, 11238


ASL SLAM at the Whitney Museum

collaboration with Douglas Ridloff
SAT, May 5, 2018
5 pm


Video SUR
16 Feb 2018 – 12 Mar 2018
Palais de Tokyo
13, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris


NEW/NOW Francisca Benítez
November 30, 2017–April 29, 2018
New Britain Museum of American Art
56 Lexington Street
New Britain, CT 06052


Opening Reception:
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Artist Talk:
Thursday, December 14, 2017
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm


Escrituras Visuales

Francisca Benítez
Ana María Briede
Sybil Brintrup
Martín Gubbins
Carlos Montes de Oca

24 Marzo - 28 Abril, 2018.

Die Ecke Santiago
Av. José Manuel Infante 1208,
Providencia, Santiago, Chile.


Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo de México
02.24.2018 - 07.29.2018




Part of the Continuum
April 13th 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
619 Lexington Ave.
New York City


Ediciones Popolet

Galeria Jaqueline Martins
R. Dr. Cesário Mota Junior, 443
01221 020 — São Paulo SP
23.03.2018 17:00h


SESC São Paulo
10.24.2017 - 01.28.2018


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
November 26, December 3, 10, 17
The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10003
livestream here
ASL interpreted concert 12/3/2017


UK Tour October 2017
with Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir

Sat 21 Birmingham - Fierce Festival 6pm - // wearefierce.org
Sun 22 Newcastle - Blackfriars @ St. Vincent de Paul 7:30pm // wunderbar.org.uk/revbilly
Mon 23 Liverpool Cornerstone Theatre @ Liverpool Hope Univ. 7:30pm // ticket quarter.co.uk
Tue 24 Brighton Marlborough Theatre 7:30pm // marlboroughtheatre.org.uk
Wed 25 Colchester Arts Centre 8pm // colchesterartscentre.com
Thu 26 Chelmsford The Crampon Theatre 8pm // chelmsford.gov.uk/theatres
Sat 28 London Toynbee Studios 7:30 pm // artsadmin.co.uk
Sun 29 Norwich Arts Centre 8pm // norwichartscentre.co.uk


Arte for Puerto Rico Fundraiser
El Museo del Barrio
1230 5th Ave, New York, New York 10029
Saturday, October 14th, 2017 at 2:30 PM - 4 PM


The Incredible Simultaneity Console II
Close-Up Film Centre
September 14, 2017
97 Sclater Street
London E1 6HR



Filmarmalade anniversary



Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires
07.29.2017 - 09.29.2017


Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
24/02/2017 - 21/05/2017


The Public is in Bits and Bubbles
Thursday, May 4th, 2017
7 – 9 pm
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012


Rotative Repository of Latin American Video Art: Mono Canal
January 11 – April 30, 2017
El Museo del Barrio
1230 Fifth Ave.
between 104th and 105th St.
New York, NY 10029


Satellite 2 < Transamerican Eye >
Parsons, The New School.
The Orozco Room (Room A712)
66 West 12th Street, NYC 10011
Friday, March 10th
6:30 PM


Residencia en Resistencia
trilingual choir of resistance
(English, Spanish, American Sign Language)
in residency at El Museo del Barrio: Part II
On-site Live in Las Galerías from February 5 to March 5, 2017
El Museo del Barrio
1230 Fifth Ave.
between 104th and 105th St.
New York, NY 10029

* open rehearsals calendar

Closing performance:
Sunday, March 5th, 2017, 3pm


Jeu de Paume
1 place de la Concorde
75008 Paris, France
10.18.2016 - 01.15.2017


XIII Bienal de Cuenca 
Impermanencia. La mutación del arte en una sociedad materialista

Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (MMAM)
Cuenca, Ecuador
11.25.2016 - 02.05.2017

Performance: El ciclo de la vida
en el Parque de la Madre
25 de Noviembre 2016, 11am.
Culminación de una colaboración con estudiantes de
la Unidad Educativa Especial Claudio Neira Garzón
facilitada por Estefaní Juca



much wider than a line
SITElines.2016: New Perspectives on Art of the Americas

July 16, 2017 - January 8, 2017
SITE Santa Fe


Poemas Concretos
Die Ecke Arte Contemporáneo
José Manuel Infante 1208
Santiago, Chile
11.04.2016 - 12.10.2016


Repository Rotativo of Collective
Identity: Video art selection

curated by Hernan Rivera
New Latin Wave
@ 67 Ludlow
2pm - 8pm


Moebius Path
a collaboration with SITE and the New Mexico School for the Deaf

performance Friday, Sep 30, 2016, 4:30-8pm at SITE Santa Fe
more info


Residency at El Museo del Barrio, New York City
On-site Live in Las Galerías from August 31 to September 27, 2016

1230 Fifth Ave.
between 104th and 105th St.
New York, NY 10029


Video! Video! Zine Festival
Screening and conversation
Saturday, August 20, 2016 at the Nightingale Theater
1084 N Milwaukee, Chicago


Power to Engage: What Are Artists and Art Museums Learning from One Another
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, SITE Santa Fe, Jon Rubin, Francisca Benitez.
Moderated by René de Guzman.
Open Engagement 2016
Sunday, May 1st, 2016
10:00 – 11:30am
Theater, Level 1, OMCA
Oakland Museum of California
1000 Oak St, Oakland, CA 94607


Colección FAVA en el MAC
Una geografía humana y social contemporánea

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
Parque Forestal
Santiago, Chile
31/3/2016 - 22/5/2016
Inauguración: Jueves 31 de Marzo 2016, 19:30 hrs.


Sweet Gongs Vibrating
March 26 - May 28, 2016
San Diego Art Institute
Opening reception
Saturday, March 26, 2016
6:00 - 8:00 pm


Práctica Sola / Alone Practice
Lanzamiento de Ediciones Popolet en MilM2
Martes 10 de Noviembre 2015, 7:30 pm
Av. Francisco Bilbao 465
Providencia, Santiago.


Práctica Sola / Alone Practice
a book designed and produced by Ediciones Popolet
launch: Printed Matter - THE NY ART BOOK FAIR
September 18–20, 2015
at MoMa PS1, Queens

Find the book at
Printed Matter, New York
Librairie du Jeu de Paume, Paris


Mapping Brooklyn
at BRIC House and the Brooklyn Historical Society
February 26 - September 6, 2015
Brooklyn Historical Society
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Opening Reception - February 25, 7-9PM

Aaron Beebe, Daniel Bejar, Francisca Benitez, Gail Biederman, Justin Blinder, Christine Gedeon, Katarina Jerinic, Joyce Kozloff, Laura Kurgan, Peter Lapsley, Jennifer Maravillas, Simonetta Moro, Bundith Phunsombartlet, Jan Rothuizen, Patricia Smith, Nick Vaughan & Jake Margolin, and Sarah Williams.

Curated by Elizabeth Ferrer

Panel discussion:
Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 at 6:30pm


As you lean on me and I lean on you, we move forward

Performance on the High Line


Lehum Sbarra
Opal Gordon
Jeremy Sanchez
Andrew Fisher
Carmen Oquendo
Kristina Diaz
Lalita Chaitoo
Maleni Chaitoo
Marlene Montes de Oca
Alana Holmberg
Christopher Matthews
Craig Fogel


Tuesday, July 14, 2015 | 7:00 PM
On the High Line starting at West 14th Street

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 | 7:00 PM
On the High Line starting at West 22nd Street

Friday, July 17, 2015 | 7:00 PM
On the High Line starting at West 34th Street

photographs by Liz Ligon

New York Times' review

High Line blog


Son en Señas

XII Bienal de La Habana, Cuba
22 Mayo - 22 Junio, 2015

Performance participativo que explora la poesía en Lengua de Señas Cubana
en colaboración con la Asociación Nacional de Sordos de Cuba


11 al 18 de Mayo
Asociación Nacional de Sordos de Cuba - ANSOC
Sede Provincial de La Habana
Calle 11 # 6607 entre 66 y 68, Municipio Playa, La Habana, Cuba

Presentaciones en vivo:

22 de Mayo, 2015, 10:08 am
Inauguración de la XII Bienal de La Habana
Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam
San Ignacio 22, Plaza de la Catedral
La Habana, Cuba

25 de Mayo, 2015, 4:00 pm
Día Nacional del Intérprete de Lengua de Señas
Escuela Nacional de Arte
120 #1110 e/ 9na 13, Cubanacán, Playa


Son en Señas
primer registro, video, color, sin sonido, 36'11", 2015
proyección de video en loop
22 Mayo - 22 Junio, 2015
Centro de Desarrollo de Las Artes Visuales
San Ignacio 352, Plaza Vieja
La Habana, Cuba

Con el apoyo de:
la Dirección de Asuntos Culturales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile
y Die Ecke Arte Contemporáneo


Cantos del Agua
colaboración con Cecilia Vicuña y varias mujeres cantoras

14 de Enero, 2015
7:30 pm
Galería Patricia Ready
Espoz 3125, Vitacura
Santiago Chile



MoMA Forum on Contemporary Photography
Monday, January 12, 2015, 6:00–8:00 p.m.
11 West 53 St. New York


Inside La Industria Membrillera


Grado Cero, 10 años de arte contemporáneo en Chile
del 6 al 31 de Enero, 2015
Rosario Norte 660
Santiago, Chile


Soliloquy in Signs
action at Pier 54

November 6 – December 13, 2014
120 Eleventh Avenue at West 20th Street
Tuesday – Saturday, 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Pier 54: Francisca Benitez, Soliloquy in Signs, 2014. Photo by Liz Ligon.
Copyright 2014 Francisca Benitez, Liz Ligon, and Friends of the High Line.
Commissioned and produced by Friends of the High Line.


About Mums & Dads
Kushtetuta #2


Film by Francisca Benitez
Curated by Camila Marambio

at Cuchifritos + Project space
March 5 – March 9, 2014 from 12-6pm
Reception: Wednesday, March 5 from 5-7pm
Artist Talk: Sunday, March 9 from 4-5pm
Location: 120 Essex Street (inside Essex Street Market)

exhibition images here


Efemérides: (Fragmentos selectos de la historia reciente de Chile)
Museo Histórico Nacional
Plaza de Armas 951
Santiago de Chile.
28.11.2013 - 31.03.2014

La hora del museo en RADIO USACH
11.28.2013 - 12.05.2013
11am - 12pm
Entrevista con Daniela Figueroa, Cristián Silva y Arturo Cariceo


Since Now From Then
Storefront for Art and Architecture's 30 anniversary conference.


a performance by Francisca Benítez
D. Cross
Baba Israel
beat rhymers
beat boxers

Saturday October 12, 2013
3:40 pm to 3:50 pm (exactly)

Pier 57 (Hudson River Greenway and 15th Street)

Ride your bike through Storefront's 30th anniversary


One Minute Film Festival 2003 - 2012
Opens March 23, 2013
87 Marshall Street
North Adams, MA 01247


The One Minute Film Festival screening at MoMA
Monday, September 30, 2013, 7:00 p.m.


Discurso Visível at the third Lisbon Architecture Triennale
12 September - 15 December 2013


Visiones Laterales #4: MAFI.TV + Francisca Benítez
Ciclo lafuga.cl en Cineteca Nacional.
Miércoles 17 de Julio, 19:15 hrs.
Microcine, Cineteca Nacional
Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda
Plaza de la Ciudadanía 26, Santiago, Chile.
Entrada liberada.


Thinking and Speaking
April 04 - May 12, 2013
Galerie Nordenhake AB, Stockholm
Hudiksvallsgatan 8, SE-113 30 Stockholm


2 al 27 de Enero de 2013
Museo de Artes Visuales, Santiago


Visible Architects
Embajada de Chile en Washington
11 Diciembre - 12 Marzo 2013


Líneas del Deseo
Espai Cultural Caja Madrid de Barcelona
21 Noviembre - 28 Diciembre 2012
*review by Mousse Magazine


Gasworks residence
155 Vauxhall Street
London SE11 5RH, UK
July - October, 2012
Open Studio
September 28 & 29, 2012

**residency images

a performative talk at Gasworks
September 11, 2012, 7pm
* review by Florence Ritter


Through sites of dissent
a walk through London
September 30, 2012, from noon to midnight

starts at Gasworks

* review by Barbara Speziale


screening at IMT gallery
A collaboration with Dave Maric and Cam Deas
September 6, 2012


The Exquisite Corpse
of the One Minute Film & Video Festival

July 14, 2012
Narrowsburg, NY


To the Stars on the Wings of an Eel
June 29 - July 8, 2012
Gowanus Ballroom
55 9th street #61
Brooklyn, New York 11215


a little painting from 2008 at
Can't Stop Rock Lobster
Merkx & Gwynne
June 19 - June 30, 2012
at Shoot the Lobster / Martos Gallery
540 W 29th Street
New York City
*watch the video here


Love Story, Palestine
collaboration with Yoshiko Chuma and the School of Hard Knocks
Concept, Design, and Choreography by Yoshiko Chuma
May 9-12, 2012
Wed - Fri, 7:30 pm; Sat, 2:30 and 7:30 pm
Ellen Stewart Theatre at La MaMa
66 East 4th Street


group exhibition
February 29 - April 20, 2012
159 Bleecker Street, NYC


April 25 - June 2, 2012
Centro Cultural de España
Santiago de Chile


Occupy Wall Street
magazine article
Revista ARQ79
Santiago, Chile
pdf article here


Spotlight On: SUPERFRONT at Van Alen Books
a conversation with Mitch McEwen, David Turnbull,
Fran Benitez, Chloe Bass and Prerana Reddy
Thursday, February 16, 2012, 7pm
Van Alen Institute
30 W 22nd St, New York, NY 10010


Strategies for Occupation
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012


Discrete News
a conversation at Kadist Art Foundation
curated by Camila Marambio
19 bis-21 Rue des Trois Frères
Paris 75018
November 9, 2011, 1pm


screening at na daLokal
with Lokal-int and Kollaborateure
Saturday, October 29, 2011, 8pm
Reindorfgasse 8
1150 Vienna


One night stand with Milton Rabbitt
and Die Verbotenen Frösche

Thursday October 20, 2011 at 10 pm.
KIM Bar, Brunnenstraße 10, 10119 Berlin


Francisca Benitez: Property Line
Corner of Cadman Plaza West and Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn
September 14, 2011. 7:30 pm


Post-it City Ciudades ocasionales
September 22, 2011 - February 19, 2012
Centro Centro, Madrid, Spain


L'oeil sur les rues, Parc de la Villette, Paris.
October 12, 2011- January 15, 2012


The Street Files, El Museo del Barrio, New York.
June 14, 2011- January 8, 2012


Tertulia: Francisca Benítez y Camila Marambio
1 de Abril 2011, 20:00 hrs.
Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos
Universidad de Talca
Talca, Región del Maule, Chile


MANIFESTO 01 - Emerging Latin Territories
Geopolitical Territories & Environmental Sensibilities
Francisca Benitez, Carlos Brillembourg, Jose Castillo
Urtzi Grau, Andres Jaque, Ximena Labra
Moderated by Eva Franch and Ariadna Cantis
Wednesday October 27th, 2010, 7pm
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012


30: A Brooklyn Salon
BRIC Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn, New York.
September 15 - October 29, 2011


April 15 - May 14, 2011
Die Ecke Arte Contemporáneo
Santiago, Chile.


Contaminaciones Contemporáneas
Museu de Arte Contemporánea da USP
Sao Paulo, Brasil.
10.21.2010 - 03.27.2011


Francisca Benitez: 3 videos
09.30.2010 - 10.30.2010
Die Ecke Art Contemporani
Montamany 27
Barcelona 08012
+34 934 151931


Post-it City: Ciudades Ocasionales
10.05.2010 - 11.21.2010
Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo
Arenal Grande 1930
11800 Montevideo, Uruguay.


Post-it City, Ciudades Ocasionales
July 7 - August 26, 2010
Espacio Casa de Cultura - La Prensa
Buenos Aires, Argentina


Reinventing Ritual: Contemporary Art and Design for Jewish Life
April 22, 2010 - October 3, 2010
Contemporary Jewish Museum
San Francisco, CA


Unplanned: Research and Experiments at the Urban Scale
March 25 - July 2, 2010
Superfront LA
Pacific Design Center, CA


BRUCENNIAL 2010: Miseducation
350 West Broadway, New York
February 25 - May 8, 2010
OPENING: Thursday, February 25, 6pm - 2am


Tales at the border curated by Jorge La Ferla
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Keizersgracht 264
1016 EV Amsterdam


Aftershock: Benefit Concert for Chilean Earthquake Victims
Performance with Diego Fernández, as half Die Verbotenen Frösche, Waris
White Box, New York
March 27, 2010


January 3 - March 28, 2010
1432 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216


performance with Gelitin

Friday, January 29th 2010, 3-7pm
Greene Naftali Gallery
526 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10001


Reinventing Ritual: Contemporary Art and Design for Jewish Life
September 13, 2009 - February 7, 2010
The Jewish Museum
New York
T Magazine article, Sept 14 2009


Beijing 798 Biennial
August 15 - September 12, 2009
Beijing, China


Les Frontières Invisibles / POST IT CITY
March 14 - July 12
Tri Postal
Lille - France


June 6 and 7, 2009
350 Manhattan Ave
Brooklyn NY 11211
opening Saturday, June 6, 2009, 5-9 pm
exhibition images


Miradas (des)territoriales
Ciclo de video arte Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
Jueves 14 de mayo a las 19 hrs.
Auditorio de la Alianza Francesa de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina


26-30 de Abril 2009
Instituto Cervantes, Beijing, China


March 28 - April 4
at nada.lokal
Reindorfgasse 8
Vienna 1150


Berlin change plus vite que mon coeur
March 14 - April 12
Gare Saint Sauveur
Lille - France



Francisca Benitez/ Preemptive Disappearance
DVD, Edition of 50 by
Filmarmalade, publishers of visual theory
preview at Cinémas hors circuits, Paris, May 2009
Distributed by the ICA and the BFI Filmstore

120 graphite rubbings
made in Michele Capozzi's boat
before its removal from the 79th Street Boat Basin
New York, 2009.
a project for edition fästing plockare, Switzerland


Interview with Janima Nam
produced by Castyourart, Vienna, 2009
