> About


Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping

About the choir


The Stop Shopping Choir Songbook


Radio show

Neil Young Archives / Earth Chxrch


> Current & Upcoming


December shows at Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
December 1-22, 2024


The Sun Is A Star That Keeps Me Warm
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir


‘Earthalujah!’: A Rebel Pastor Preaches for the Planet
by Cara Buckley, The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/31/climate/rev-billy-talen-earth-church.html *pdf version, in print



> Past


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
UK Tour - October 2024

Sunday 20 October: HASTINGS
The Stables Theatre & Art Centre
Monday 21 October: BRIGHTON
Attenborough Centre For The Creative Arts
Tuesday 22 October: CANTERBURY
Gulbenkian Arts Centre
Wednesday 23 October: COLCHESTER
Colchester Arts Centre
Friday 24 October: CAMBRIDGE
Cambridge Junction
Saturday 26 October: LONDON
Newington Green Meeting House
Sunday 27 October: BIRMINGHAM
Midlands Arts Centre

* Review in Total Theatre


Earth Chxrch
Sunday Services
every Sunday at 5pm
36 Loisaida Ave C & East 3rd St.


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
celebrate Summer of Heat activists

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 7pm
New York Ethical Society
2 W 64th St, New York, NY 10023


37 Aniversario de La Peña del Bronx
Sábado, 21 de Septiembre, 2024
Jardín Comunitario María Sola
134th St & Lincoln Ave. The Bronx
6 Train to 3rd Ave/ 138th St.



opening for Neil Young & Crazy Horse
with Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

APR 24
Wed, 7:30 pm
San Diego, CA • Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre at SDSU

APR 25
Thu, 7:30 pm
San Diego, CA • Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre at SDSU

APR 27
Sat, 7:30 pm
Phoenix, AZ • Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre

MAY 01
Wed, 7:30 pm
Austin, TX • Germania Insurance Amphitheater

MAY 02
Thu, 7:30 pm
Dallas, TX • Dos Equis Pavilion

MAY 05
Sun, 7:30 pm
Huntsville, AL • Orion Amphitheater

MAY 07
Tue, 7:30 pm
Alpharetta, GA • Ameris Bank Amphitheatre

MAY 08
Wed, 7:30 pm
Franklin, TN • FirstBank Amphitheater

MAY 11
Sat, 7:30 pm
Bristow, VA • Jiffy Lube Live

MAY 12
Sun, 7:30 pm
Camden, NJ • Freedom Mortgage Pavilion

MAY 14
Tue, 7:00 pm
Forest Hills, NY • Forest Hills Stadium at West Side Tennis Club

MAY 15
Wed, 7:00 pm
Forest Hills, NY • Forest Hills Stadium at West Side Tennis Club

MAY 17
Fri, 7:30 pm
Mansfield, MA • Xfinity Center - MA

MAY 18
Sat, 7:30 pm
Bridgeport, CT • Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater

MAY 20
Mon, 7:30 pm
Toronto, ON • Budweiser Stage

MAY 22
Wed, 7:30 pm
City of the Village of Clarkston, MI • Pine Knob Music Theatre

MAY 23
Thu, 7:30 pm
Chicago, IL • Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island



Earth Chxrch
Sunday Services
every Sunday at 5pm starting January 14th, 2024
36 Ave. C
Loisaida Av. & East 3rd St.
***notice new time: 5pm!



Joe's Pub at the Public Theater
425 Lafayette St.
New York City
November 26, 2023, 6pm
December 10, 2023, 6pm
December 17, 2023, 6pm --sold-out-- watch livestream here


Earth Chxrch
Sunday Services
every Sunday at 3pm until November 19th, 2023
36 Ave. C
Loisaida Av. & East 3rd St.


Remembering Barbara Ehrenreich
Center for Brooklyn History
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Thu, Sep 28 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
livestream video


Raising Voices Festival
Saturday, September 23, 2023
11:30 AM
Downtown Boston
Revolutionary Spaces
310 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02108


Direct Action - Exhibition Closing
Live performance by Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir. ASL interpreted.
Saturday, September 9th, 6pm-7pm
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 1001


Direct Action - Film Program
Bank invasion shorts and the US premiere of Earth Riot, a film by Immo Klink.
Friday, September 8th, 7pm-8pm
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 1001


Reverend Billy & Stop Shopping Choir
Spring/Summer 2023 NYC calendar:

Earth Chxrch
36 Ave C, NYC (@ East 3rd st.)


Direct Action

Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012
June 17th through September 9th, 2023

Exhibition Opening:
Saturday, June 17th from 4 – 7 pm
Performance by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, 6pm


Exploring the Earth as Lover: Ecosex and the City
Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle
June 17, 2023, 8pm
Performance Space New York
150 First Avenue
New York, NY 10009


Earth Riot
a film by Immo Klink


Reverend Billy & the Stop Shopping Choir
change without us

NEW RECORD released August 10 2022

also on Spotify
and Apple


Welcome to the fabulous unknown
Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
425 Lafayette St.
New York City
Sunday May 7, 2023 4PM - tickets
Sunday May 14, 2023 4PM - tickets

Photos by Quilty


Tuesday 3/21/2023 350.0rg / United Nations 10AM

Friday 3/24/2023 Fat Friday/ Orensanz 6PM


Bob Holman's Fabulous Sainthood
@ EarthChxrch
36 Ave C. (@ East 3rd st.) NYC
Sunday April 2, 2023, 3pm.


@ EarthChxrch
36 Ave C. (@ East 3rd st.) NYC
Sunday March 19, 2023, 3pm.

Nunca más sin nosotras. Never again without us. This week we honor some of the women who participated in the democratic process of drafting a new constitution for Chile. Loreto Vidal, Alejandra Flores, Loreto Vallejos, Vanessa Hoppe, Margarita Vargas, Malucha Pinto and Lorena Céspedes will join us this Sunday at Earth Chxrch as we express our gratitude for their efforts and celebrate their dedication to this epic collective work, that unfortunately did not get ratified by the Chilean people. We wonder with them how to continue organizing despite these setbacks. Come share songs and food in solidarity. Changealujah!

Image: drawings from a painting workshop by Francisca Benítez and collaborators at La Vieja Escuela in Pichingal, Chile. Maqui and water on paper, 2023.


Reverend Billy & Stop Shopping Choir
Sunday, December 11, 2022, 4pm
at Joe's Pub
425 Lafayette St.
New York City
*sorry no more tickets available, event is at capacity
Livestream at Joe's pub channel


FALL 2022 Schedule:

every Sunday at 3pm
at 36 Ave C (corner of East 3rd St.), NYC

Performance dates for the rest of the year:
Sunday, November, 20, 3pm, at EarthChurch, 36 Ave C. (@ East 3rd st.)
Sunday, November, 27, 3pm, at EarthChurch, 36 Ave C. (@ East 3rd st.)
Sunday, December, 4, 3pm, at EarthChurch, 36 Ave C. (@ East 3rd st.)
Sunday, December, 11, 4pm, at Joe's Pub and @ The Public Theater


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir UK
present Earth Church
a radical anti-capitalist community show
Walthamstow Trades Hall
London, UK
Sunday October 30th, 2022


David Graeber Institute
Opening: October 29, 2022, 19:00hrs (London time)
inaugural Apartment Art Exhibition APT / ART – CLIMATE EMERGENCY at 52 Boundary Rd, London NW8 0HJ (Rowley Way) simultaneously with parallel exhibitions taking place all over the world.

Community members, neighbors, friends, artists, and activists led by Reverend Billy and members of The Church of Stop Shopping together with the Red Rebel Brigade walk along the famous red-brick Rowley Way road in a merry procession from Abbey Road to the TRA community building.


A preliminary approach to performance
workshop facilitated by Sibila Sotomayor, LASTESIS co-founder
In Partnership with Earth Church / The Stop Shopping Choir
part of Expanding Feminisms at Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY

Thursday, October 20, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
at Earth Church, 36 Ave C & East 3rd street, East Village.

live stream archived video


September 24th, 2022 4pm
opening for Klezmatics
at Washington Square Park


Show with Flux Factory
@ Gov­er­nors Island
August 27, 2022

Flux Fac­to­ry hosts Flux Sat­ur­days, a month­ly pub­lic pro­gram, on the last Sat­ur­day each month through Octo­ber.


Reverend Billy & the Stop Shopping Choir
Live Show @ White Feather Farm

Saturday, August 6
8:00pm show / 7:30pm doors
Broken Wing Barn
1389 State Route 212
Saugerties, NY 1247
Livestream video


Spring - Summer 2022
Every Sunday at 5pm
36 Avenue C
(with East 3rd St.)

free & open to all



April 23, 2022, 6-8:30 pm
at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Ave. at 112th St.
New York, NY 10025
imagine repair

video documentation of the performance
outside with The Illuminator


Memorial for the Cherry Trees of Corlears Hook
at the Earth Church
36 Avenue C
April 17 2022 at 5pm


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
Earth Riot at The Flamboyan
The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center
107 Suffolk St, New York, NY 10002
Thursday, December 16, 2021, 8:00 PM



November 28, 2021 8pm
The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street
(at Astor Place)
New York, NY 10003
doors open at 7pm


Livestream recording



COLCHESTER -- Weds 3 Nov. -- Colchester Arts Centre / 8:00PM
NORWICH -- Thurs 4 Nov. -- Norwich Arts Centre / 8:00PM
LONDON -- Sat, 6 Nov. -- Toynbee Studios / 7:30PM
BIRMINGHAM -- Sun, 7 Nov. -- MAC (Midlands Arts Centre) / 2:00PM
LIVERPOOL -- Weds, 10 Nov -- The Capstone Theatre / 7:30PM
GLASGOW -- Thurs, 11 Nov. -- Centre for Contemporary Arts / 7:30PM
GLASGOW -- Fri, 12 Nov. -- Centre for Contemporary Arts / 7:30PM

For tickets & more info: https://linktr.ee/EarthRiotUK


photo: John Quilty


View this post on Instagram

A post shared by BP or not BP? (@bpnotbp)

Action with BP or not BP in London

Action with BP or not BP in Glasgow



Steirischer Herbst ’21
The Way Out

September 9–October 10, 2021
Graz, Austria

17.9., 18.9., 14:00
Palais Attems
Sackstraße 17
8010 Graz

17.9., 18.9., 18:00
(entrance Kalchberggasse)
8010, Graz


documentation of one of the Graz interventions in Metrópolis in RTVE
the Church of Stop Shopping from time code 16:04 to 19:33 (with Spanish subtitles)



> Past


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

Joe’s Pub @ The Public Theater fall season:
425 Lafayette Street (at Astor Place), New York, NY 10003

Sunday November 24, 2019, at 2pm
Sundays, December, 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2019, at 2pm
Sunday January 12, 2020, at 12 noon.

ASL interpreted shows: 11/24, 12/1, 12/8

for $5 tickets, use promo code: JUSTICE
for $10 tickets, use promo code: FREEDOM
**there is no drink minimum at our shows

photos by John Quilty



ACTIONS - September 2019

Saturday 9/14, CLOSE THE CAMPS, NY Public Library, step off 12 noon

Friday 9/20, YOUTH CLIMATE STRIKE Foley Sq 12 rally march at 1 pm

Saturday 9/21, 2019, East River Park Action.
marching from Tompkins Square Park at noon, though the East Village,
and into the park where we’ll rally at 1:30 with speeches and music.

Friday 9/27, EARTH STRIKE Sunset Park, 3pm


Sunday, September 8, 2019. 7pm
214 Starr St. Bushwick
FREE / all ages


Make Music New York
Friday, June 21, 3:30-7pm
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir at 5:30 pm
Lower East Side Girls Club
136 Avenue C, New York, New York 10009


The Work Of Love
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

Saturday, June 15 at 7pm
The Quaker Meeting House
15 Rutherford Pl, New York, NY 10003
(East 15th St. and Second Ave.)


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
Sunday, June 9, 2019 - 7pm
214 Starr St. Bushwick
FREE / all ages / ASL interpreted



Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
Sunday, May 12, 2019 - 7pm
214 Starr St. Bushwick
FREE / all ages / ASL interpreted


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir

Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 7pm
214 Starr St. Bushwick
FREE / all ages / ASL interpreted


Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir
presented by Southern Rep Theatre

Saturday, April 06, 2019 at 10:00 pm
Sunday, April 07, 2019 at 7:30 pm

Southern Rep Theatre
2541 Bayou Rd
New Orleans
LA 70119 USA

Earthalujah! The world-traveling radical performers, Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir are coming to New Orleans, just in time for festival season.

Recently sharing stages with Pussy Riot, Yothu Yindi, Joan Baez and Neil Young, the award-winning and often arrested activist-entertainers will host a late-night party-show at Southern Rep at 10 PM Saturday April 6th.

Then, on Sunday April 7 at 7:30 PM also at Southern Rep the troupe will stage their gospel concert for the Earth. Part political rally, part comedy show about an Elvis-impersonator televangelist and his choir, part church service of the Earth faith: whatever the Church of Stop Shopping is – it's a movement to rise to the occasion of the Earth’s crisis. As activists, they have faced down Monsanto and Bayer, climate-change financiers like Chase Bank and UBS, and mountaintop removal coal-mining and pipe-lines.



Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir
at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, Australia

Australian Premiere
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir: EARTHALUJAH!


with Pussy Riot & Guests:
Yothu Yindi, Ecca Vandal, Cash Savage and the Last Drinks,
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir


FALL 2018 - upcoming actions and performances
with Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir:

…and then they came for all of us…
Joe's Pub @ The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street (at Astor Place)
New York, NY 10003

November 25, 2pm (ASL interpreted concert)
December 2, 2pm (ASL interpreted concert)
December 9, 2pm (ASL interpreted concert)
December 16, 2pm
December 23, 2pm

discount code: CHANGENOW



Sunday, October 14, 2018, 8pm
Starr Bar
214 Starr, St. Brooklyn

Starr Bar
214 Starr St., Brooklyn

Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Greece.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church
09/07 until 11/07/2018 at 19:00 h
Filellinon 27, Athina 105 57

Syntagma Square
12/07 until 13/07/2018 at 19:00 h
Athens, Greece

*Review: Tourists Against Trump by Ivan March


Left Forum 2018: Opening Plenary, John Jay College, NYC. 6.1.2018 - 6pm
STOP THE VANS at Starr Bar, Brooklyn. 6.5.2018 - 8pm
First Unitarian Society of Madison, Madison. 6.13.2018 - 7pm
White Bear Universalist Church, Mahtomedi, Minneapolis. 6.16.2018 - 7pm
The Cedar Cultural Center, Minneapolis. 6.17.2018 -7pm
Bikes Against Deportation - New York City. 6.212018 - 5pm




The Church of Stop Shopping at ICP Museum
Dec 05, 2017


Brooklyn Folk Festival 2017

Beatitudes of Buylessness, warm up before show at the Brooklyn Folk Festival, May 2017

video by Garret Linn